Our country was established on the principles of limited government and personal freedom. Our founding father's believed that we as a people would take care of ourselves and reach out to those in need. And so a tradition began that turned into the largest force of private charities the world has ever seen. Both domestic and abroad, no other country is home to so many non-profit organizations. I believe it is one our core values as a people and as country to be charitable.
Two nights ago, President Obama confirmed that he will be lowering the percent of charitable donations that can be deducted from taxes for the top income brackets. This decision sent a message to all America, a message that says private charities are not as important as government welfare. It comes with an assumption that liberalism holds about our very nature, that we as Americans are unable to take care of our own, that only through massive government social programs can these people be helped.
Now, of course most people will still give just as much to charity as they ever have. But not all will, because not all will be able to afford it. And more than anything it is a huge slap in the face to all our wonderful non-profit organizations. President Obama is telling them that they aren't as important anymore. President Obama is wrong. Compared to government welfare programs, charities are exponentially more efficient at allocating donations directly to the people who need them. They are much better at ensuring responsible use of the donations, so that they are not abused and wasted like so much of our government welfare is. In short, they represent everything that is great about our country and everything that conservatism stands for- the people.
Private charities exemplify the idea of personal freedom. With private charities I have the freedom to choose who I give to and how much I give. If I don't like the way they are using my hard earned money, I can simply stop giving to them and find another worthy cause. Government welfare affords no such freedom. They don't care if I don't like the way my money is spent and I don't have a choice about how much I give. That ability to choose is so important. It makes us feel like we are in control of our money and that empowers us to give even more. And American want to give, of this I am sure.
This is simply a strategic move by the Obama administration to find reason and reason again to expand government and take power which it has no right to have. By forcing charitable donations to decline through manipulation of our tax code, they are creating more need for welfare and more justification for the implementation of unnecessary programs. Why liberals think so poorly of the American people I do not understand. But they are wrong about us. We can take care of one another, if only the government would get out of our way and let us prosper.
What do you think?