What the media has allowed to happen to Miss California is so amazingly appalling that I have been left literally speechless. And that does not happen very often. The sad thing of it all is that they so completely misunderstand why Miss California (and the majority of Americans) believe in traditional marriage. For those of us who believe that marriage should be between a man and women, it has everything to do with principle. It is about preserving the institution of marriage and the sanctity thereof, and has absolutely nothing to do with gay people. It isn't about hating anyone or denying anyone rights. In fact, we don't believe that marriage is a right at all, rather that it is a supreme privilege.
Of course, those who disagree turn it completely personal. To them, it all about hate, bigotry, and some type of vendetta. And because they refuse to meet us on the same intellectual playing field, they will never understand why we believe what we believe. So while they preach tolerance out of one corner of their mouths, they spit hate out of the other. Of course, the main stream media plays right along and intentionally lets them misrepresent our position. Oh, and is there any wonder that so many main stream news sources are tanking right now?
I don't have a problem with people disagreeing with me, and from what Miss California has said neither does she. What I do have a problem with is when other people establish inaccurate premises which put forth untrue assumptions about what I believe, think, or feel. These types of debates are pointless and destructive. Americans have to rise above this. Our founding fathers fought tooth and nail against one another, but they understood that they were fighting on the same side. Their debates were intellectual, intelligent, and philosophical. They weren't personal, slanderous, and petty.
The example with Miss California simply highlights one of the most hypocritical hallmarks of liberalism. With liberals, you can believe in whatever you want, but if you disagree with them then you are immediately a hateful bigot (and probably insane). You can say whatever you want, but if you aren't politically correct then you are an insensitive pig. You can do whatever you want, but if you aren't environmentally conscious, then you are an irresponsible killer. Being bi-partisan means agreeing with them and being tolerant means accepting their viewpoints. They tote democracy, but leave no room for any debate.
There seems to be a serious lack of respect in this country, and the truth is that it comes primarily from the left. Go listen to what Miss California said. She said she glad she lived in a country where we can have our own opinions, she asked for forgiveness from those who would be offended by her opinion, and she honestly and sincerely stated what she personally believed. There was no hate, no intolerance, and no evil in her answer to that question. Now, go listen to Perez Hilton and others call her a stupid b***, degrade her physical appearance, and say other things that are so offensive that I won't even elude to them. The only good thing to come from this is that these hateful gay activists are shooting themselves in the foot. No one feels any sort of sympathy for them or their cause after hearing their terrible comments. And quite frankly, no one should.
What do you think?
1 comment:
I completely agree. The media has tried to cover this Miss California thing with their typical spin, but their usual quote machines have dipped even too low for them. They are unable to provide any context or any quotes from the interested parties that sound intelligent and support their viewpoint, so they've dug up "racy" photos to debunk her. Having a decent discussion and touting the merits of their position doesn't seem to satisfy these people.
Thankfully, it sounds like people are coming to distrust the media as much as they distrust politicians. The past week has been dominated by swine flu pandemic panic headlines. Despite everything the media tried to freak us out with, something like 70% of people didn't think swine flu was a problem. That's 70% of Americans who hear what the media say and ignore it. That gives me a lot of hope. As people shake off their spoon-fed opinions and start looking at the facts and deciding for themselves, the special interests who refuse to take part in civil discussions will lose more and more sway.
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